Monday, August 20, 2012

Getting faster and more fit!

My running times are getting faster and my distance longer.
Today's 5K time was 22 mins I was astounded out of breath but shocked at what my body could do.
I almost a year ago I wanted to be a runner .
I really hated it at first i kept with it to keep my goal.
I can now say I love running I understand why people say its a spiritual experience.
I love running and being in my head I do a lot of thinking praying and understanding when I run.


I have also started regular work outs and I see my body shrinking my girls to be exact . I have a love hate issue with this I know when I start loosing weight in my breast that my body is in a weight lost zone.
I feel good and I have lots of energy.
Hopefully in the next few week I will be in my jean size goal.